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Maximo® Work Order Scheduling
Let's face it, scheduling a bunch of work orders in Maximo is a bit of a chore.  There are only a limited number of hours in a work day, and filling up a technician's work load without leaving idle time or overloading is difficult and time consuming.  AutoSoft Systems has solved this problem and guarantees to get your Work Order Planners home on time.  Here is how it works:
The Maintenance Managers identify the default staffing levels and record "exceptions", i.e. vacation or coverage.  The Maximo names of each maintenance technician is extracted from Maximo.
This screen configures the default staffing levels:                          
This screen allows the Maintenance Manager to record "exceptions" to the default schedule:
The Planner needs to know what Work Orders need to be scheduled.  The Maximo_Query.XLSM application allows one or more Planners to execute pre-defined queries to generate a list of work orders that need to be scheduled:
Once the desired filter is selected, the Planner presses the bright green "BUILD A SCHEDULE HELPER USING THE CURRENT FILTER SETTINGS" button to generate the scheduling file.  This file has a "Report" worksheet that provides a list of all Work Orders in Maximo that match the filter criteria specified above.  This report has two views, the condensed view that displays 16 key columns of information ,and the expanded view that displays 38 columns of information.  The columns can be easily customized to meet your requirements:
There is a lot going on here.  The 8 key features are as follows:
1. Provide Date and Time as to when the file was generated.
2. Provide the exact Maximo query that was executed.
3. Provide the status of each work order.  Note the color code.  Light blue indicates that the Work Order has not yet been scheduled.
4. Provides color coding as to when the Work Order is due.  Yellow indicates the Work Order is due within the next week.  Red is overdue.
5. Blue indicates a Level_1 Work Order (most critical).
6. Indicates how many hours and laborers are planned to complete the work order.
7. The Blue field indicates that the amount of time already charged to the Work Order has exceeded the planned time.
8. Indicates the Date and Shift when the Work Order has been scheduled.
This Application includes an Excel Add-In which provides custom functionality to the various F Keys on the Keyboard.  By pressing F1, the user is presented with a summary of the special functions. The custom functions are in a large bold font, the default functions are in a smaller font.                  
We now turn our attention to the Scheduling Screen where the work is performed:
There is a lot going on here.  The 9 key features are as follows:
1. Provide Date and Time as to when the file was generated.
2. Provide a list of the F Keys that perform different functions
3. Supports a 24x7x365 multiple shift operation.  In this example, there are 5 shifts.  The Application knows what shifts are scheduled each day.
4. Provides a list of exceptions to the work force.  This is managed using the associated 
5. This section tells the Planner the number of hours scheduled vs. the number of hours available.  The colors change as the shift is completed.
    Pink is under scheduled, Green is properly scheduled.  Amber is over scheduled.
6. Each task has its own cell.  Note, non-Maximo tasks are also managed here.  The 4 narrow columns provide the following information.
a. The shift where the work is to be completed.  A drop down list.
b. The current status of the work order
c. A custom field
d. The required staffing, either in the form of a number (hours) or of the form "p x h" where p = # of people and h = hours per person.
7. The wider field contains the work order or task description.  This can be automatically populated by either entering only the work order number,
    or right clicking on the Work Order on the Work Order List and then right clicking on the day.
8. The Planner can change the background color to draw attention to a specific task.
9. The Planner can change the font color of part of the cell to draw attention to specific instructions.
Once the Planner is finished, he/she then presses the F10 key on the keyboard to write the information back to the AutoSchedule Database.  Feedback is provided to indicate how much data was saved.
Once the Planner is finished, he/she then presses the F10 key on the keyboard to write the information back to the AutoSchedule Database                    
The Planner can then type the F8 key to generate a Maximo compatible CSV Loader file:                      
The Planner can then use a Maximo Data Loader to bring the scheduled work orders back into Maximo.
Authorized users can use the Schedule Reviewer Utility to generate a report listing scheduled work order for whatever date range and locations desired.
Generated report:
AutoSoft Systems | 2 Round Hill Court, East Greenwich, Rhode Island, USA 02818 | 401.885.3631 | Fax: 401.884.5653 | Mobile: 401.996.3631 
This web page was last updated at 02/05/2019 09:31 AM and is written in EXCEL!
AXIOM is a Trademark of Consona - USYS is a Trademark of Zumbach - AutoSoft Systems is not affiliated with Consona nor Zumbach