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Mother Nature's Basic Principle of Cooling for Large Buildings
Originally published in the July, 2003 edition of IPNews.com
Most companies that use traditional HVAC systems to cool large factories or distribution centers have electric bills that are "through the roof". That's why many plant managers have turned to a unique "on-the-roof" alternative which uses surface water evaporation - like sweat glands - to lower searing roof temperatures and drop interior building temperature by more than 10°F on a hot summer day. 
The basic concept of using water to cool roofs has been around for awhile. Equipment like the Roof Cooling System (RCS) developed by AutoSoft Systems, East Greenwich, RI, and manufactured by Patterson Roof Cooling, Blythewood, SC, provides a controlled mist of water on a building's rooftop and maintains a user-defined setpoint roof temperature. RCS can supplement, and in some cases replace, traditional air conditioning systems, offering lower installation/operating costs and extended roof life, as it can reduce roof temperature by as much as 80°F. The extent of temperature reduction varies based on environmental factors such as relative humidity, ambient temperature and the type of roof. In one case, the system reduced a black membrane roof from a temperature of 160°F to about 90°F. With results like this, payback in air-conditioned buildings can be achieved within one year.                
Manufacturers are now focusing on improving system control to maximize cooling effect and reduce water waste. AutoSoft Systems is a leading developer of  advanced PC controls and system software.                
Joe Serdakowski, AutoSoft Systems president, may be the first to use PC-based control for these alternative cooling systems. Serdakowski developed the special algorithms to maximize cooling effect, designed the panel layout and specified the feedback and communication devices for the RCS.                 
The PC control and Advantech Automation ADAM remote I/O modules control water pumped through valves to misting sprinkler heads installed on a building's roof. The ADAM modules receive outside temperature signals from roof-mounted thermocouples and continuously feed this via serial communications cable to the PC which controls valve actuation.                 
These systems are installed on large buildings in the range of 40,000 to 1,000,000 sq. ft., so thermocouples, valves and multiple control panels are often located far from the PC. This requires the RS-485 communication protocol to be used. The ADAM modules reduce wiring needs and speed installation, receiving inputs from typically two to seven thermocouples and delivering signals back to the PC with only a single RS-485 cable.  Another ADAM module converts the RS-485 signal to RS-232 into the computer port. 
AutoSoft Systems developed the operating software, using Microsoft's Visual FoxPro on the Windows 2000 platform to provide an intuitive graphical user interface and a built-in database engine for data storage and manipulation. The software also provides real-time data logging of the roof temperatures and detailed data analysis through Microsoft Excel.
Advantech's "ActiveDAQ" Active-X provides an interface between the ADAM hardware and FoxPro/Windows 2000 environment. "Besides low price, we chose the ADAM units because they are rugged and highly modular, providing easy installation, replacement and expansion," says Don Thomas, vice president of sales and marketing for Patterson. "Plus, their attractive form factor doesn't resemble an IC board, which makes them basically transparent to the installers and users.
Open architecture PC-based control and ADAM communications modularity allows the system to work in tandem with a building's existing HVAC system, says Thomas.  "We are developing economic analysis methods to track and report data and display the operational costs and savings over traditional air conditioning."
More companies are turning to this new energy-efficient, environmentally friendly technology as a solution to cooling large spaces. An OEM exhaust system maker, located in Tennessee, recently installed the system for temperature control in its non-air-conditioned factory. According to the plant manager, the system made a remarkable difference for its factory employees. The heat index on the factory floor was lowered by as much as 10 to 12°F. Maintenance employees who work close to the ceiling where hot air accumulates experienced even greater benefits.
The maintenance manager at a Valdosta, GA distribution center for a national home improvement retailer has been using this technology for several years to control temperatures in a 780,000 square foot facility. According to the maintenance manager, temperatures in some areas of the building reached 140°F on 100°F days. Rooftop cooling dropped internal temperature in those areas by 40°F to match ambient temperature. 
The energy cost to run the two system pumps is only $1000 per month, versus air conditioning which would have cost an estimated $400,000 per month. The system runs from June through October, and an air compressor purges the system prior to winter to prevent pipes from freezing. It has even been adapted for use with parked trailers to maintain a more comfortable working environment for loaders.
For more information contact: Stephanie McFarland            
        Advantech Automation Corp.          
        1320 Kemper Meadow Dr. Ste. 500          
        Cincinnati, OH 45240          
        Toll Free: 877-294-8989          
        Fax: 531-742-0554          
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AutoSoft Systems | 2 Round Hill Court, East Greenwich, Rhode Island, USA 02818 | 401.885.3631 | Fax: 401.884.5653 | Mobile: 401.996.3631 
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