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Data is always changing.
Some data is stored in AXIOM forever.
Other data changes with time. An AXIOM report that you ran 3 months
ago may not by available today. The
EndOfDay.xls utility takes a snapshot of the CART\Instant\ folder every day
at 11:55 PM (or whenever you want the Windows Scheduled Tasks to launch it)
and sets it aside as a permanent archive. |
The macro code is quite simple and is listed here in its
entirety: |
Sub EndOfDay() |
Dim FolderY, FolderM, FolderD, FolderI As
String |
Dim fs As Object |
FolderY =
"S:\AxiomReporting\CART\Archive\" + CStr(Year(Date)) |
FolderM = FolderY + "\" +
Right("0" + CStr(Month(Date)), 2) |
FolderD = FolderM + "\" +
Right("0" + CStr(Day(Date)), 2) |
FolderI = FolderD + "\Instant" |
Set fs =
CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") |
If fs.FolderExists(FolderY) = False Then
fs.CreateFolder (FolderY) |
If fs.FolderExists(FolderM) = False Then
fs.CreateFolder (FolderM) |
If fs.FolderExists(FolderD) = False Then
fs.CreateFolder (FolderD) |
If fs.FolderExists(FolderI) = False Then
fs.CreateFolder (FolderI) |
Application.DisplayAlerts = False |
"S:\AxiomReporting\CART\Instant\*.*", FolderI |
Application.DisplayAlerts = True |
End Sub |
Be careful however! |
These files add up with time.
A typical CART\Instant folder could contain 0.5 GB of data, requiring
180 GBs of storage space for a year's worth of archives. Plan ahead and use the SMART WatchDog
utility to monitor remaining hard drive space. The ArchivePruner.xls utility will prune
the Archive of redundant files. |
Click here for a copy of this utility. |
AutoSoft Systems | 2 Round Hill Court, East
Greenwich, Rhode Island, USA 02818 | 401.885.3631 | Fax: 401.884.5653 |
Mobile: 401.996.3631 |
This web page was last updated at 02/21/2014 07:41 AM and is
written in EXCEL! |
AXIOM is a Trademark of Consona - USYS is a Trademark of Zumbach
- AutoSoft Systems is not affiliated with Consona nor Zumbach |