AutoSoft Systems |
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autosoft@aol.com |
Commercial & custom multi-user computer software for a
variety of applications including performance metrics, statistical analysis,
data extraction and merger from multiple large databases, computer simulation
and management information systems.
Founded in 1982. |
We know Excel! Whenever possible, Excel
is the user interface, VBA is the programming language, ODBC connects to the
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The terrorist attack of 9/11/2001 changed forever the landscape
of New York City and our view of the world. |
On June 12, 2002, President Bush signed the Public Health
Security and Bioterrorism Preparedness and Response Act of 2002
(Bioterrorism Act) into Law (PL 107-188).
The Bioterrorism Act amends the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) by
adding section 1433. Section 1433(a)
requires that certain community water systems (CWS) conduct Vulnerability
Assessments (VAs), certify to EPA that the VAs were conducted, and submit a
copy of the VA to EPA. Section
1433(b) requires that certain CWSs prepare or revise Emergency Response
Plans (ERPs) and certify to EPA that an (ERP) has been completed. |
The New England Water Works Association (NEWWA) with funding
from the EPA commissioned Dr. Serdakowski to write the Automated Security
Survey & Evaluation Tool (ASSET) as a vulnerability assessment tool for
small and medium-sized drinking water systems. ASSET is a self-guided
software program that was designed to assist these drinking water systems in
completing a vulnerability assessment as well as improving their security and
preparedness in dealing with a range of threats. |
Click here to view United States Environmental
Protection Agency letter praising Dr. Serdakowski's work |
Dr. Serdakowski wrote ASSET in 17 work days. ASSET shipped without any Beta
testing. There are eight sections
that comprise this vulnerability assessment software. They are: |
1. General
Information Collection |
2. Identifying
Mission Objectives |
3. Determining
Critical System Components |
4. Threat
Assessment |
5. Physical
Security and Existing Countermeasures |
6. Risk Analysis |
7. Prioritized
Plan for Risk Reduction |
8. The Final
Report - The software automatically generates a Microsoft Word document ready
for submittal to the EPA. Since it is
a Microsoft Word document, the user can easily edit it if so desired. |
Other Links: |
Web Site (see bottom of this page) |
Water Environment Federation |
Metropolitan Sewerage Agencies |
AutoSoft Systems | 2 Round Hill Court, East
Greenwich, Rhode Island, USA 02818 | 401.885.3631 | Fax: 401.884.5653 |
Mobile: 401.996.3631 |
This web page was last updated at 02/21/2014 07:56 AM and is
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AXIOM is a Trademark of Consona - USYS is a Trademark of Zumbach
- AutoSoft Systems is not affiliated with Consona nor Zumbach |