AutoSoft Systems |
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Maximo® Mean Time Between Maintenance Reporting |
Maximo® is a
trademark of IBM |
AutoSoft is
not affiliated with IBM. |
This tool looks at all work orders in Maximo®, and allows the
user to slice and dice the data by 20 different parameters (i.e. Start Date,
Work Type, Site, System Description,….).
Once the user defines the subset that is to be analysed, a stand-alone
workbook containing all of the pertanent records is generated. In addition to a detailed listing of all
workorders matching the filter criteria, one can perform Pareto analysis by
Site, Building, System and Sub-System based on # of Events or $$$ spent. Pareto charts can also be generated. |
The main screen looks like this (In this example, the data has
been scrambled to maintain confidentiality): |
Here, the user quickly uses the AutoSoft standard interface of
right clicking on various combinations of filter selections in order to
identify the desired sub-set of records.
In the above example, there are 2888,382 work orders in the data set
spanning the period from 1/1/2011 to 5/2/2012. The user is interested in only
"GM" worktype workorders from the "WG" site. Once the filter is selected, pressing the
blue button tells the user that there are 5,517 records meeting that filter
criteria. Pressing the dark blue
button generates a stand-alone workbook with an analysis of the desired
records. |
Follows is a screen-shot of the System summary. There are also Site, Building and
Sub-System summary in the identical format.
Note that right-clicking on a System description will immediately jump
to the Sub-System report, filtering on only those Sub-Systems in the selected
System. A double-click brings up the detail report, filtered on only those
records in the selected System. |
One can Pareto on Event Count, Labor Costs, Material Costs or
Total Cost. Pressing a Pareto button
generates a Pareto Chart. Here are two Pareto examples: |
The Detail report lists 39 different parameters for every work
order: |
Site |
Started |
Remedy |
Job Plan Nbr |
Building |
Finished |
Classification |
Job Plan Rev. |
Building Description |
Wo Nbr |
Status |
Category |
CC Nbr |
System |
Labor Hrs |
Status Date |
Is Primary? |
System Description |
Labor Rate |
Work Description |
Craft |
Is Geo? |
SubSystem |
Labor $$ |
Job Plan Description |
Location |
Is Salvage |
SubSystem Description |
Material $$ |
Problem |
Asset Nbr |
Parent |
Work Type |
Total $$ |
Cause |
Asset Description |
The Site and Month Report looks like this: |
Click here to download a sample of this report |
The "Top 20" report provides Pareto Analysis of the
top 20 Systems, Buildings and Crafts: |
AutoSoft Systems | 2 Round Hill Court, East
Greenwich, Rhode Island, USA 02818 | 401.885.3631 | Fax: 401.884.5653 |
Mobile: 401.996.3631 |
This web page was last updated at 02/21/2014 07:50 AM and is
written in EXCEL! |
AXIOM is a Trademark of Consona - USYS is a Trademark of Zumbach
- AutoSoft Systems is not affiliated with Consona nor Zumbach |