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MaximoŽ Preventive Mantenance
Forecast Utility |
MaximoŽ is a
trademark of IBM |
AutoSoft is
not affiliated with IBM. |
Preventive Maintenance (PM) is the key to a smooth running
operation. MaximoŽ has very powerful
PM capabilities, but it is a bit of a chore to get a good handle as to the
future requirements to support the PM efforts. This tool dramatically assists in that
The standard AutoSoft interface is employed to allow the user to focus in
on only those systems that are under the user's control. Yellow cells allow for free text entry, and
multiple blue cells can be selected by right clicking on them and turning
them green. |
Note how this combination of filters, Worktype = "PM",
Site = "GG", Classification = "LEVEL_1" will result in
1,263 records from the total data set of 85,451. Also note how the program estimates that it
will take 1 minute 32 seconds to generate the report. This is calculated after one sets the
desired filters and one clicks the light blue button. Clicking the dark blue button starts the
report generation process. Ths screen
appears giving the user step by step feedback on the report generation
process: |
The Report has several worksheets, the first one lists all of
the PMs that are scheduled: |
These Maximo fields are included in the
report: |
PM Nbr |
Units |
Eqpt / Location |
Frequency |
PM Description |
Last Start Date |
Manufacturer |
Last Reading |
JP Nbr |
Next Date |
Model Nbr |
Last PM WO Gen Read |
JP Description |
Classification |
Asset Location |
Last PM WO Gen Read Date |
JP Duration |
Site |
Asset Location Description |
Average |
Interval |
Building |
Geo Location |
Update Meter |
Owner |
Building Description |
Lead Group |
Measure Unit ID |
Planner |
System |
Tolerance |
Scheduler |
System Description |
JP Seq. In Use |
Labor_Hours |
Work Type |
SubSystem |
PM Counter |
Labor Cost |
Frequency |
SubSystem Description |
Last Reading Date |
Material Cost |
The PM Projection worksheet provides a month-by-month projection
of the PM work orders that are scheduled.
Note how the comment field in each cell provides additional
information. There are 3 choices for
display: Labor Hours, Job Plan Duration Hours, and Labor Cost. The "EXPORT COMMENTS OF ACTIVE
CELL" builds a stand alone Excel worksheet with the comments listed to
allow the user to work further with them. |
Clicking on the "PLUS" sign reveals additional
fields of information. The total field
list on this report is: |
PM Nbr |
Classification |
Location |
PM Description |
Site |
Location |
JP Duration |
Building |
Group |
Owner |
System |
Planner |
SubSystem |
Totals |
Scheduler |
Eqpt / Location |
Late |
Work Type |
The PM Projection Chart gives a monthly breakdown of the
requirements. Note in this example,
they better reschedule some of their work or bring in some contractors during
January each year :) |
The Parts Projection worksheet gives a listing of all parts
required for the scheduled PMs with a monthly breakdown of requirements. The comment field provides details as to
what job plans are consuming the parts.
The parts are color coded to indicate if there are sufficient
quantities available on site or anywhere in the company to complete the
PM. As can be seen, the part X05085 in
row 30 requires 21 on the first month of this report, however one will have
to move these parts from a different facility. Row 33 has enough parts in the short term
but more will be needed in the future.
Row 36 has plenty of parts for all of the PMs for the duration of this
report. |
The Parts worksheet provides a list of parts required
broken down by Job Plan. |
The Inventory worksheet lists the available number of
parts, their average cost and the count at each location in the company. |
AutoSoft Systems | 2 Round Hill Court, East
Greenwich, Rhode Island, USA 02818 | 401.885.3631 | Fax: 401.884.5653 |
Mobile: 401.996.3631 |
This web page was last updated at 02/21/2014 07:51 AM and is
written in EXCEL! |
AXIOM is a Trademark of Consona - USYS is a Trademark of Zumbach
- AutoSoft Systems is not affiliated with Consona nor Zumbach |